
Showing posts from September, 2021

A rough week

  This is the start of week five, and its really getting to me. This week I have a Trig test, chemistry lab report, chemistry homework and a informative speech to prepare. I stopped to get some Starbucks on Tuesday because it was a rough day, because I realized I was pretty behind. People would always say that college is nothing like high school, and it is 200% correct. Your on your own, you got all your classes to worry about, test, quizzes and homework goes on with ought a stop. The things you want to buy just seem more expensive now because your not working as much, but yet you have to find a way to work because college is not cheap! If your reading this I hope your week was a lot better, and if you were wondering what drink it was, it was a strawberry frapachino, they smack on a rough day.


 Ahhhh amazon the place that has everything we could ever want or need and even better, it can be delivered to your front door. This is the place I work at, I work at amazon MDW7 in Monee IL as a stower. I started working here full time this summer, the starting wage was increased and my cousin told me to apply because he worked there as well. My first day I wore normal work attire, it said to dress as casual and comfortable as possible but I did not think to dress that casual. Walking in I see people walking in pajama pants, after seeing this I knew it would be a very relaxed and "chill" job. In my starting crew there was a Latino couple who did not speak any English. I stepped up to translate, and the senior operations leader liked the way I worked and helped people my first week, so I was promoted within my first couple of weeks of work and yes it came with more pay the next time the building got raises. Now when school started amazon put me on a flex shift, working any ho

"La Bandera" (the flag)

 If you were walking in the parking lot or parking your car, and you saw a Honda civic with a big Mexican flag coming from the top, and was wondering why and who it was me. The reason why I had the flag on Thursday ,September 16, was because it was Mexican independence day. Its a day that Mexico declared its independence from Spain. Having the flag and being proud of who I am reminded me of when I was younger or still to this day when I would go to my family party and celebrate, we would bring a group to perform called a "tamborazo". Showing my heritage has always been something I enjoy doing, so I was happy to bring my banner with me, later tonight ill be going downtown to cruise and waive the flag.                                                                                   Viva Me xico!!!!

The Lopez Family

  They say that behind one strong man is one women, well I have two. These to women next to me are my two older sisters, to the right is Julie, and to left is Vanessa. Going to college has always been a plan for me in the future because of these two, Vanessa graduated from PNW four years ago with a degree in education. Julie will graduate this December with a degree in sonography. I've always looked up to my sisters and they've got me into the seat I'm sitting in today. When I don't feel motivated, I just look to see how much they've accomplished and how they strived, I take that as motivation to always keep going. This picture is when we went to Florida this march, we saw that Disney reopened and we were all going through a rough time with online school and working, so we decided to take a mini vacation. Every time I'm going to struggle during this school year I'm going to look at this and it will be my motivation