
 Ahhhh amazon the place that has everything we could ever want or need and even better, it can be delivered to your front door. This is the place I work at, I work at amazon MDW7 in Monee IL as a stower. I started working here full time this summer, the starting wage was increased and my cousin told me to apply because he worked there as well. My first day I wore normal work attire, it said to dress as casual and comfortable as possible but I did not think to dress that casual. Walking in I see people walking in pajama pants, after seeing this I knew it would be a very relaxed and "chill" job. In my starting crew there was a Latino couple who did not speak any English. I stepped up to translate, and the senior operations leader liked the way I worked and helped people my first week, so I was promoted within my first couple of weeks of work and yes it came with more pay the next time the building got raises. Now when school started amazon put me on a flex shift, working any hours I want and any day I want. Many people say that they do not like working there, and they hate it. To me amazon provided me the opportunity to attend school and work at my own schedule 
