
Showing posts from August, 2021
  This picture is one of my favorites, because its filled with some of my favorite people. These three people next to me have been the people i grew up with my entire life. It all began kindergarten year when we all met the first day, when times were so much simpler. We all went to the same grade school and middle school, but got separated in high school, when one of us went to another school. We would do something every week for all four years. This year was the year were we would all kind of fall off, the one on the right is named Nourhan, she is attending prairie state college with a undecided major, next to her is Alexis, she is attending DePaul studying Law. The one in red is me, and the one inn black is Casey, he is attending PNW, studying finance. These three people have been the ones who have always been there for me through thick and thin. I like this picture because over the course of 13 years, there not considered friends, but family. 


This week I purchased a gym membership at Omni fitness center in Schererville, Indiana. I have not had a gym membership since covid started, it felt very good to be back working out in a actual gym again. When I was working out I began to think, how many people workout on a daily basis? How much does fitness play a role in people lives. Do people feel bad about not working out, or do they just blow it off like nothing, I know for me fitness is a big thing. If I do not workout one day I try to make up for it the next day in my workout. Fitness plays a major role in who I am and who I want to be, fitness is a mind reliver for me. When im working out, running, playing soccer or any other physical activities gets me out of my very busy world. I get to escape the world of homework and stress and focus I myself and just workout. My workouts usually consists of weights, bench-press, squats and the use of dumbbells. I get my cardio from my soccer games but sometimes I go for a run, but I reall